HTTPS doesn't mean much nowardays, if the source is corrupt then all your data will be used as pleased.

It means your connection is secure but it doesn't proof the source to be safe.

All the packages bellow offer an encryption on client side with AES before it is being send anywhere.

The encrypted data is then sent to the server and just you hold the decryption key.

Packages aren't yet ready for purchase!

For more information contact me at [email protected] or by contact us form.
Membership Level 1
  1. Project Logger
  2. Code Archive
£5 per month
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Membership Level 2
  1. Project Logger
  2. Code Archive
  3. Safe Chat
  4. Website CMS - on request
£15 per month
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Membership Level 3
  1. Project Logger
  2. Code Archive
  3. Safe Chat
  4. Emailer Generation - on request
  5. Website CMS - on request
  6. Intranet Generation - on request
£35 per month
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  1. Project Logger
  2. Code Archive

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  1. Project Logger
  2. Code Archive
  3. Intranet
  4. Safe Chat

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  1. Project Logger
  2. Code Archive
  3. Intranet
  4. Safe Chat
  5. Emailer
  6. Website CMS
  7. Intranet

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